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Check the cities we cover and our pricing
NYC Starter
One borough and all essential data layers
Number of boroughs covered
# users included in package
Additional viewers per users
Additional users
Points of Interest & Transportation info
Zoning data
Parcel data
Deed & mortage data
Commercial tenant data
Premium buildable rights
interactive tutorials
tier-1 support
email support
Number of boroughs covered
# users included in package
Additional viewers per users
Additional users
Points of Interest & Transportation info
Zoning data
Parcel data
Deed & mortage data
Commercial tenant data
Premium buildable rights
Tier-1 support
email & phone
NYC Premium
Number of boroughs covered
# users included in package
Additional viewers per users
Additional users
Points of Interest & Transportation info
Zoning data
Parcel data
Deed & mortage data
Commercial tenant data
Premium buildable rights
onsite, data integration
Tier-1 support
email & phone
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The accuracy and currency of our Simplex 3D models are of utmost importance to us. Our meticulous modelling process begins with obtaining the highest resolution imagery, which can only be captured using our patented aerial camera system and methodology. To ensure accuracy, we typically conduct this imaging and modelling process at least once a year for the vast majority of our models. For major cities or areas with accelerated development, we may even further by updating the models more frequently.

The accuracy of our 3D models is a top priority for us. We utilize patented imagery and revolutionary modelling technology to ensure that our models closely mirror the real-world environment, in world’s highest resolution down to 3CM per pixel.

In our reality, every 3cm is equivalent to one pixel on the computer. Our models are highly accurate, ensuring precise measurements. The deviation range during measurement is only up to 10cm, providing you with the confidence you need in the data-driven decision-making process.

We offer a range of pricing packages to suit different needs. The main difference is in the work scale and they vary buy number of models (cities) and number of users in the organization.


Upon registration at you can get access to our national 3D models for one week. While the 1-week trial version allows you to navigate and view the country in 3D, for more advanced options such as planting models and creating your own data you need to purchase a subscription.

We accept all major credit cards (except Diners) and we also accept Bit payments. If you prefer to pay with a bank transfer, please contact our Sales team.

While Google Earth does provide 3D tiles, there are significant distinctions that make Simplex stand out. Firstly, Google Earth’s 3D models may not be available for all regions, including Israel. In contrast, Simplex offers extensive coverage and superior resolution, creating highly detailed 3D models even in areas where other services might not be available.

However, the main difference lies in the purpose and functionality. While Google Earth’s 3D models are limited to passive viewing, Simplex goes above and beyond by offering a comprehensive 3D workspace. Our platform empowers users to actively manage data, conduct measurements, and make data-driven decisions within a private workspace. You can seamlessly integrate models from various sources, collaborate efficiently, and save your work for future reference. Simplex transforms the 3D experience from passive observation to active participation, providing a dynamic environment where you can shape and enhance your projects effectively.

While some municipal GIS systems offer the capability to view 3D models, there are key distinctions that set Simplex apart. Most information in traditional GIS systems is presented in a flat, two-dimensional format. In contrast, Simplex goes beyond by seamlessly integrating 3D models alongside layers from municipal GIS data and additional sources. Our platform empowers you to actively work and plan within the environment, not just passively view it.

Moreover, our system is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals without specialized GIS knowledge. You don’t need to be a GIS expert to leverage our platform effectively. The ease of use, coupled with our rich 3D models and advanced tools, provides a transformative experience. With Simplex, you can effortlessly collaborate, make informed decisions, and plan dynamically within a multidimensional space, elevating your urban planning and real estate endeavours.

We understand that visuals are essential for effective presentations and publishing materials. Each subscription package of Simplex allows you also to grant access to system Viewers. The Viewers can view the models you share with them but they can not conduct an active work. The number of viewer licenses change according to the selected package. In addition, Simplex platform allows you to After easily save selected views and download screenshots that can be shared or embedded in your presentations.