Database of the Space
Built To Be limitless
We don’t just create 3D models; Our AI-driven system goes beyond the surface, automatically identifying and categorizing every element within the model
Every piece of data is tied to a specific location in space; This georeferencing provides users with context, linking vast amounts of information to tangible, real-world locations
Each data point is a story; Our database of the realm can store depth of information with a wealth of granular details, offering an unprecedented level of information
Objects within our 3D models are intelligently grouped and labeled; This classification system enables a deeper understanding of the environment, paving the way for insightful analyses and creative applications
Imagine querying our spatial database for specifics like “show me all structures taller than 15 meters.”; Our AI instantly provides precise results, allowing for informed decisions backed by comprehensive data
Our AI-enriched platform isn’t just about understanding; It invites you to shape and mold reality itself, whether you’re looking to manipulate existing spaces or bring to life entirely new landscapes from the canvas of your imagination
You Are Invited To Create
You Are Invited To Create
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